Retrieve a List of Root Causes for Rules

Endpoint URL: https://<your server>/rest/v2/customRules/rootCauses
Endpoint URI: v2/customRules/rootCauses

Action: GET

Returns a list of all Elements you can use for a root cause for a Malop generated from this custom rule.


Ensure that you have logged into the Cybereason platform. For details, see Log in with the API.

Request Headers

You must add an Content-Type:application/json header with the request.


If you are using cURL, add the authorization cookie details or the path to the file with cookie details with every request.

Request Body


Request Parameters

URL/URI parameters: none

Request Body Parameters: none

Response Status Codes

This request can return the following status codes:

  • 200: Success OK

Response Success Schema

The response includes a list of the supported Elements for the root cause:

  • self: The Element specified as the beginning point of the custom rule

  • imageFile

  • parentProcess

Response Failure Schema


Important Response Fields

The response contains a list of all root causes in one field.

Example: Get a list of available root causes


curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json' \

