Log in with the API

Before you send requests with the API to your server, you must log in.


Ensure you are using the TLS 1.2 security protocol on your machine before sending an authentication request.

When you send a request to log in, your Cybereason server returns a session cookie, which is stored on your machine. You can then reference the cookie in subsequent requests.

All cookies are valid for an 8 hour period.

The cookie uses the format of a JSESSIONID:

JESSIONID: 6540146A88QP0F1F82537012D9C565AC

For details on password requirements for the Cybereason platform when sending an authentication request, see Select the password complexity.

Send an authentication request

Follow the steps to log in (depending on the framework you use):


When you log in with cURL, you have the option of providing your credentials in a separate file or including the credentials in the command.

In a command window, enter one of the following commands:

  1. If you add your credentials in a separate file:

    curl -X POST https://[hostname]:[port]/login.html -d @authentication.txt --header "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -c cookie.txt

    In the separate file (login.txt in this example) add your credentials in the format username=<username>&password=<my password>. The username parameter uses the %40 encoding in place of the @ character.

    For example, you can use this for authentication: username=admin%40myserver.com&password=3GYvP9ADQWak.

  2. If you enter your credentials directly in the command:

    curl -X POST https://[hostname]:[port]/login.html -d "username=<username>&password=<my password>" --header "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -c cookie.txt

    In this command:

    • The [hostname]:[port] parameter is the address to your Cybereason server.

    • The username parameter uses the %40 encoding in place of the @ character.

    • The cookie.txt contains the authentication cookie for access. Your machine stores the cookie in the root folder where you opened the command window.


  1. In your client, create a new request for authentication and save it with a descriptive name.
    1. Set the request method to POST.

    2. Enter the URL for your server in the format https://[hostname]:[port]/login.html.

    3. Set the header value to Content-Type with the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

    4. In the request body, create a key for username and password. Enter your username and password as the values for these keys.

    5. Send the request in your client.

    Cybereason returns a cookie stored in your client for the rest of your session.


  1. Ensure that Python version 2.7 or higher is installed on your system.

  2. Install the requests library using this command:

    pip install requests
  3. Create your own Python script with this content:

    import requests
    username = "<your user name>"
    password = "<password>"
    server = "<server URL>"
    port = "443"
    data = {
        "username": username,
        "password": password
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
    base_url = "https://" + server + ":" + port
    login_url = base_url + "/login.html"
    session = requests.session()
    response = session.post(login_url, data=data, headers=headers, verify=True)
    print response.status_code
    print session.cookies.items()

The variables in this script include:






The base URL for your server. Enter the URL without the https:// prefix.



Your Cybereason user name.



The password for your Cybereason user name.



The port used for your Cybereason server.


The final two print lines in the above script are not required for authentication but confirm that you have been authenticated successfully.

Authentication text syntax file

Authentication Python script

Depending on your browser settings, this linked file may open in a separate tab instead of downloading directly to your machine. If this happens, use the Save As option in your browser to save the file locally.

Log out from your machine

If you want, you can also logout from the machine. Follow the steps to log out (depending on the framework you use):


In a command window, enter one of the following commands:

curl -X GET https://[hostname]:[port]/logout -c cookie.txt


  1. In your client, create a new request for authentication and save it with a descriptive name.

  2. Set the request method to GET.

  3. Enter the URL for your server in the format https://[hostname]:[port]/logout.

  4. Send the request in your client.

If your request is successful, the Cybereason platform returns an HTTP 200 status code and returns the HTML code for the login page in the response.


Create your own Python script with this content:

import requests

base_url = "https://" + server + ":" + port
logout_url = base_url + "/logout"

session = requests.session()
response = session.get(logout_url, verify=True)

print response.status_code


The final two lines in the above script are not required, but confirm that you have logged out of your platform successfully. If your request is successful, the Cybereason platform returns an HTTP 200 status code and returns the HTML code for the login page in the response.

Authentication Python script

Depending on your browser settings, this linked file may open in a separate tab instead of downloading directly to your machine. If this happens, use the Save As option in your browser to save the file locally.