REST APIs use resources to organize data in a meaningful and predictable way. These resources can be a single point - like a single endpoint - or a collection of resources in a shared hierarchy. Resources that are collections can also contain subcollections.

The convention by which you use resources is the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). The URI is the path from the base URL of the API that divides the resources into different locations.

The Cybereason API uses the URI convention in the following ways:

  • All API endpoints begin with the common URL prefix: https://<your server>/rest.

  • From this common start point, you can access various resources:

    • /visualsearch/query/simple

    • /sensors/action/….

    • classification/…

    • monitor/…

    • tagging/…

    • settings/…

For a complete list of endpoints and their URI paths, see Endpoints.